It’s something we all know is important. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that “children and adolescents should do 60 minutes or more of physical activity per day.” Oh boy, sometimes that’s easy, especially when the weather outside is nice. But let’s face it, when it’s cold outside, sometimes it’s pretty tough to hit that guideline.
According to printables of the exercises and numbered cards for you to cut out and use at home with your kids.

Minute to Win It
- Exercise index cards
- Pair of dice or number cards
Have child select two or more exercise cards (depending on age and ability). Then roll the dice or select a number card to determine how many of each exercise they must perform.
At “GO!” participant has one minute to complete the reps for each exercise.
If they are unable to complete the exercise(s) in one minute, they must select two (or more) exercises and a number card and complete those in a minute. Repeat until they’ve hit the goal.
For groups of children, start with one participant, and if they cannot complete their challenge, the rest of the group must do the next round of exercise with the original participant. You’ll find that the dynamic of doing this with a group creates a lot of cheering on and motivates the child to work hard to complete the goal.

Deal or No Deal
- Exercise cards
- Number cards
- Quiz cards with questions of any kind (math, science, history, etc.) appropriate to age group (or skip the cards and make up any question to ask your child!)
Ask the child if they want a deal or no deal.
No deal = Child selects an exercise and number card and performs that number of specific exercises.
Deal = Ask a question from the quiz cards. If they get it right, they only have to do 3 jumping jacks (or other exercise.) If they get the question wrong, they select an exercise and number card and perform that number of specific exercises.
For Groups
Select one person to decide if there will be a deal or no deal and answer the question. Then, let the child lead the rest of the group in the exercise.
Change it up!
Make the questions about something specific they are learning or did for homework. This will motivate them to remember what they are learning if it means by getting it right they only need to do a couple reps of the exercise.

Challenge (2 or more people)
- Exercise index cards
- Number index cards
One number card is drawn (kids can decide who does this with rock, paper, scissors or agree to trade off with each round.) Each child picks an exercise card and exchanges it with their teammate.
At “GO!” the kids start their exercises. Who ever completes their exercise first, wins the round.
Do this 3 or 5 times to determine the “ultimate” winner.

52 Card Pick-Up
- List of 12 or more exercises with a heart, spade, diamond or club next to each exercise
- Deck of playing cards
- Bucket, bowl or bag
Place cards face down scattered around the floor.
At “GO!” child picks up cards and places them in the bowl/bucket/bag.
At “STOP!” the child grabs 3 cards from the floor and compares the suit to the exercise list and selects one of the exercises that is associated with the suit of each card. Then using the number on the playing card, performs that many of the exercise chosen.
Change it up!
Skip the scattering of the cards and have the child pick 3-5 playing cards that you hold in a a fan in your hands.