Mothering can be work that never seems to end. There are no built-in breaks or time off. With how much energy it takes physically, emotionally and psychologically, it is no wonder that many moms feel exhausted and overwhelmed. That’s why my main advice for new moms is to pause and take care of themselves. Self […]
Making Family Fitness Fun
Make Physical Activity A Priority For Your Family As a parent, one of the best things you can do right now is encourage healthy habits for your children. Staying active and eating right can help kids and adults achieve healthier weights, stronger muscles and bones. Here are some other ways to make physical activity a […]
New Parents’ Back Ache
Oh, my aching back! This is an all-too-common complaint from new moms – and dads. Weight, core muscle condition, fatigue and the tasks associated with a new baby all add to the problem. Let’s look at each and see what you can do to minimize the discomfort – and protect your back! Be realistic about […]